What is the importance of the time management in the online learning?

30.04.19 09:42 AM Comment(s) By alokjasmatiya99

One of the most underestimated fact of online learning is the total time commitment for completing an online course successfully. The incredible fact associated with the online courses is that the total time taken by the different students is always different.

Many institutes have their own different techniques to measure that in how much time student will complete the assigned projects. Generally they don’t consider the computer proficiencies of a student. If a student takes more time and effort to adopt new web technologies, time rate will be high.

The real time meetings are very necessary for the communication between the professors and students about the current activities. This can be very time-consuming and frustrating for the students and it can be very costly for students, if they are not aware of them.

It is also very necessary for a student to
determine that how much time he has to complete the assignment. It includes reading and other documents like - assignments, syllabus, quizzes and group projects.

This time includes the time spent in the online classrooms and offline classrooms. This time can be of 3 hours per day and 15 hours per week. This time also includes the same time spent on online classrooms and training sessions.

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