school accreditation
It is very necessary to go to an institute which is accredited. Accreditation is a process which is necessary to have the predetermined quality standards by the institute. Accreditation is always of two types - institute accreditation and programmatic accreditation.
In institute accreditation, it is focused that all the parts of an educational institute are working properly to attain the overall motive. There are many national and state level accreditation providing organizations. national level agencies work on higher level.
In programmatic accreditation, it is emphasized that a specific program or event has achieved the certain level of academic standards relevant to its field. As for example - if an institute is providing successful digital marketing courses to students, then it will be able for programmatic accreditation.
The accreditation process is a ongoing process for approximately 1-2 years. After getting a school accreditation, this process again gets happened after every ten years. The institute has to submit their documents that verify that they are meeting with the quality standards.
Benefits of accreditation -
meeting of quality standards easily and review.
institutes can market themselves in front of bigger authorization agencies.
institute increases its chances for getting the bigger financial aids
more students are attracted towards the institute.
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