What is the ERP need for an organization ?

04.08.18 06:50 AM Comment(s) By alokjasmatiya99

erp for an organization

A ERP system is an integrated system/software/application which covers all functional areas of the logistics, production, finance, accounting and human resources management.

It is comprised of one application, one database, one information management system which reveals the information of optimum utilization of resources.

The main problem with ERP information system is that it is not capable to manage the different functional areas of the organization.

The ERP system is comprising of the enterprise system factors like  - vendor, customer and manufacturers. Each and every transaction is processed by the ERP system one by one.

The ERP system is always made around the specific boundaries of the organization. It does not treat the stand alone activities and considers them as interlinked processes.

The CEO of the company tries to understand the truth in different variations and the proof can not be questioned.

By having this information, a customer service representative can have this information and they can keep tracking all the information about the orders.

ERP system adopts the complex calculations and methodologies to complete this process.

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