The face of the moon was in shadow
In the ColdFusion framework, the application developer can give access to any ColdFusion component to be used on a public computer so that it can publish it as a web service. To perform this task access=" ”remote”" property is used.
We can understand it from the following example - Let’s say you sell ebooks. Somebody wants to show the advertisement of your ebooks on their remote website. When user clicks on the ad, it is redirected to your website.
This purpose can be achieved from the process that a separate method can be developed by the developer which can retrieve the data from the database. A loop is maintained by the developer which crawls through all the databases.
There is need to create a separate service which can locate the web service. This can call the WSDL description of the web service. WSDL helps you in creating interface with the actual ColdFusion web application.
The consumer who is placing your product ads, takes the whole XML code which he can transform into its XSL transformations. This method depends upon the platform consuming the web service.An XMl document can be transformed into any language in which a consumer wants to.
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