What are the library management facilities of LITEROM ?

16.05.18 06:57 AM Comment(s) By alokjasmatiya99

library management facilities of LITEROM    

Library management reports -

• Books listing category/subcategory/author/publisher/ wise

• New Purchase books details date wise

• Books barcode automatic generation according to accession no.

• Bar code of a Library items taken on charge between a Date ranges date wise

• Issues / Return transaction details dates wise

• Due books details date wise

• Lost Books Details

• Library books can be request from user’s login.

• Fine received details date wise

• Lost books details which were lost in a given period of time

• Repair books details t books sent for repair with in a date parameter

• Purchase order indents details depending upon the date parameter

• Purchase indents with in a date range

• Request details request for Books or other Library Items within a Date ranges by Student, Teacher, Officers or by the Other Members

• Good receiver note (GRN)this report enables the Library Manager to view GRN issued by him within a Date ranges

• AACR2 dynamic labels of all the books under the specific Category

• Missing issues this report enables the Library Manager to access the Month wise Loss / Found status of Library Magazines

• Advanced search options so that we can search using the options category, sub category, ISBN, book no. etc

• Daily attendance report for the magazines and the news paper

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