youngsters interest in marriage
In the USA, the marriage succession rates are on the decline for many years. Even the trend of cohabitating with a partner without marriage is in fashion. But the surveys tell a different story. The satisfaction rate is much more in the married couples.
Still the percentage of the people having live-in relationship are much more in trend than the married couples. The people living in relationships are in between the age of 20 to 60. Since 2005, this ratio has been increased from 3% to 7%.
In the USA, many youngsters believe that to live in live-in relationship is better than not to marry while on the other side many people see marriage with full of social benefits. This ratio of percentage is approximately more than 50%.
Married adults have shown the tremendous level of satisfaction and trust more than individuals who are not married. Whether it is related to trust, division of responsibilities, balancing of personal and professional life and anything else, married individuals are more happy.
More of individuals having the cohabitating relationship with their partner are mostly engaged in their college degree or starting their professional life. These individuals see their relationship status as the first step to the marriage.
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