What should be the administrative features in a ERP feature ?

10.04.18 06:31 AM Comment(s) By alokjasmatiya99

The administrative features of the LITEROM

A perfect ERP software should be the following administrative features -

Salient Features -

• Main settings available for complete system that will affect the student’s enrollment no,

students roll no, sessions, students shorting, according to users. And manage all other settings

which user wants to update once in a session for school.

• All students profile will maintain with all the details like his name, enroll no, address, phone no.

Parent’s detail and other required details.

• Complete school staff members (Teachers/ Officers/ Other Staff) details with details profiles.

• All Classes record maintains section wise with priority wise, order can be set by LITEROM


• Optional subject maintain into admin system class wise and section wise, like Third Language,

Biology, Mathematics.

• Users Login in offline system available in this module, administrator can block unblock any

students and staff member if anyone using unwanted things in system.

• All master entry made in this system like department / designation/ I cards and attendance.

• Students /Teachers / other staff members birthday cards can be designed through admin

module, after that it will display in users login on birthday date.

• Certificates Templates can be generate in this system for students, like transfer certificate,

beneficed certificate, date of birth certificate and Users can create his own certificate templates

like sports awards accordingly.

• Complete school subjects from class prep to XII maintain in administrator module.

• Students Houses manage in this module class / section wise.

• Student’s promotion from one class to next class in session end manages in this module by

LITEROM administrator.

• Interactive Modules rights provided by LITEROM administrator to teachers/students/officers. So

that they can participate and authorize news, articles, notices and other things published by


• Lot of interactive features rights provided to users like , News Publishers, Article Manager,

Image gallery Manager, Important Website links manager, Download Section Manager, Circular

Managers, Time Table Arrangement Manager, Marks Manager, Thoughts Manager, Duty Chart

Manager, Telecom Manager……..etc.

• School early calendar can be created from LITEROM administrator login, and this event calendar

would be display in user’s login summary pages. So Students/teachers/staff members/ parents

can be easily updated with daily activity happening in school.

• Polling for any topic can be created from LITEROM administrator login, each and every user who

is having login into LITEROM can participate in general polls. Same kind features available for

Survey that also comes under administrator login.

• If users want to update anything into application or update the customization after application

installation, update management system provided into system. So without any extra afford

users can apply any update in system. Our support teams send some files in .bin format and only

LITEROM administrator can apply those update from his login.

• If LITEROM team wants to update anything into school database for users updates,

administrator have facility to verify the data, so no need to call our technical team for the same.

• All users passwords can be changes from LITEROM administrator login, in case any user forget

his/her password, it can be changes from LITEROM administrator login. He can only change the

password but can’t view it.

• Alumni profile maintain in administrator login. Which students pass out from XII standard, they

directly promoted as a alumni. So already session wise profile maintain for alumni and online

logins provided for alumni so that they can participate in school daily activities.

• Email broadcasting facility to all alumni provided into LITEROM administrator module.

• Alumni clubs can be maintain in Administrator module.

• Some Other tools also provided in this module that’s help users for maintain school data and

performance of application.

by - university management software

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