What is the role of the KPI performance drivers ?

09.02.19 10:26 AM Comment(s) By alokjasmatiya99

KPI performance drivers

As per according to the 2003 survey report, after the launching of internet coaching tutorials, the e-learning material has been increased significantly. But there is no significant online material has been produced, that can remove the gap between the organization requirements and workforce competence.

To solve this problem, the first need is to innovate the learning environment culture in the organization. Before this, first it is necessary to understand that which things are necessary to learn by the employees. To execute this task, it is necessary to determine the KPI ( key performance indicators ) of the jobs pertaining to the employees.

The KPIs are the financial and non-financial metrics which are used to judge the performance oriented objectives of an employee. For this many tasks are performed like -

  • setting performance objectives and goals

  • assessing the performance approval initiatives

  • collecting and analyzing the performance data

  • initiate the performance drivers to increase competency of the employees

KPI approach is generally determined by considering the three levels of the organization - organization level, departmental level and job position level. Generally the marks and the expertise achieved by the employees decides the value of KPI of his pertaining job.

KPI approach is generally used to remove the gap between the organizational goals and employee targets. This approach was firstly developed for the PEANUT software testing department which is very important process of the software development.  

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