How ERP vendors should be selected by the small scale companies ?

ERP systems are decided for a small business by using their revenue scale. Businesses should have the following information about their budget constraints for implementing their ERP software. It can help in deciding the feasible ERP so...

18.09.18 12:36 PM - Comment(s)

Every business has its own scope for ERP to get better outcomes and profits. ERP is the only thing which is utilisable for many of the industries and segments - schools, colleges, hotels, corporates etc. While changing with the industries, the basic modules of the ERP software also change.

ERP softw...

18.09.18 06:13 AM - Comment(s)

What kind of information should be retrieved in a ERP software ?

Information is the piece of collected data which further takes the form of a raw material to be processed by run time applications. In this post we will try to understand that in a ERP software which types of information can be stored i...

17.09.18 09:54 AM - Comment(s)

With the advancement of technologies and business trends, the traditional management techniques of project management in terms of the ERP software are not so robust anymore. There is need to operate business processes by using new techniques. like - “Agile project management”.

Agile project managemen...

17.09.18 06:09 AM - Comment(s)

Definitely, there is a huge need to invest in research opportunities on the topic of growth in technological industry. Firm growth has been abducted by only and only the product differentiation and innovation. It has been a topic of debate about the innovations in product design and category in IT i...

15.09.18 10:32 AM - Comment(s)

