The market nature of wooden industry is always volatile and inflexible in nature. Today what is in the trending will not be in trend tomorrow. So due to look at the huge competition, it is necessary for all the ecommerce and small furniture oriented companies to work on new varieties and patterns to...

07.05.18 12:16 PM - Comment(s)

Today home decor and wooden furniture is available in different quantities and varieties as well. Today most of the population in the country of India resides in urban cities. Many of them live in the room of 5 or more living rooms and many of them living in 3 or more living room holding houses and ...

07.05.18 06:47 AM - Comment(s)

A wooden tray is something which is used to carrying over the food or other drinking members to guests in a home or office. It is not essentially made of wood only but it is also made of other metals and the mix of the too as well like - silver, steel, gold, brass and iron. Today acrylic and plastic...

05.05.18 08:29 AM - Comment(s)

Users Rights Management of LITEROM - 

• In the admin module we can assign rights to the users like Teachers, Students, Officers and others The users will be provided the following rights: 

• Arrangement Manager 

• Article Manager 

• Circular Management • Digital Library Manager • Dut...

05.05.18 07:09 AM - Comment(s)

Today is the era of new variegated wooden cabinets. In US there is a lot of new demand in the kitchen wood cabinets. In 2008 there was the net increment of 6-7% and it was of more than 13 million USD net worth. Wood cabinets have associated with the incredible fact that they are not changed in the r...

04.05.18 09:52 AM - Comment(s)

